Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Only 6 profile views.

I've only had 6 profile views, so now I'm wondering; How do I get my blog out there, for more people to view? I'd ask people who will read this, but with an average of only 2 people per post, I hardly think anyone will answer. I will keep writing this tho, merely for the fact that it entertains me.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve, it's a weird day, because it's the last 24 hours of 2008. Although I haven't been a fan of 2008, every year that passes makes me sad because there's usually something about the year I have liked alot. I'll now tell you them, in chronological order ( well the ones I remember anyway)..

1999- Even tho I was only 9 during this year, I loved it. All the hype of Y2K was insane. I remember sitting up until midnight, waiting for technology to shut down; but of course nothing happened (even tho this year, I did research Y2K and find out some minor problems happened around the world)

2000- The year of writing 00 as the year and the beginning of a new millenium (I know it didn't technically start until 2001)

2002- My last year in primary school. I was excited to be growing up, going to high school; Even though I had no idea what to expect. I thought it would be like primary. One teacher for majority of it, with different teachers for music and P.E. Graduation was the best, along with our mini, well you could say formal. The food was awesome, I remember it was made by 'The Golden Roast' because my friends and I kept saying the slogan the whole night "From coast to coast, the golden roast"

2003- The start of high school. Most of my friends went to Kirwan high school, and even tho I begged and begged my mum to let me go to Kirwan, she put me in Thuringowa, because it was just around the corner. No one I knew went there, and unlike most kids who went there, I didn't go to the 'Experience day' to see what it was like. I had no knowledge of this place. No friends. For pretty much the first 2 or 3 weeks I was a loner. I'd blindly go from class to class, and then at lunch eat alone. That's when I met my first friend of High school; Andrew Pulman. From that point I made other friends, such as Kristofer McDonald, and of course Shane Cameron (Some of which I stopped talking to soon after). I also had to pick my classes for year 9 and 10. I was originally going to take Art, but since most of my friends were taking drama, I took that. My plan was to see how drama was after a semester, then most likely change to art. Never happened, I decided that acting was more fun, so I stuck with it through my high school career.

2004- Nothing that eventful happened. Year 2 of high school, I had gotten the hang of it. Started playing Yu-Gi-Oh (at one point I was 80th best in Australia) and going to tournaments for it. 

2005- Year 10, again not that eventful. Still played Yu-Gi-Oh, and it was the year I had to pick my subjects for 11 and 12, also the year my hair became a factor in my appearance. Until then I had it shaved; Number 2, all the time.

2006- Year 11, I was a senior. The subjects I had picked were:
*Maths A
-Social and community services
+Work Ed

* OP Eligible subject
- Non OP
+ Certificate class
^ Switched class

After term 1, I had dropped Physics, it's not that I couldn't do it, I was just lazy, and since I only needed 4 OP subjects to go for an OP, I switched to Social Comm, which was a bludge. This was also the year I began straightening my hair.

2007- My last year of high school. I wasn't that sad to be leaving. No offense to Thuringowa, but the teachers there were pretty much shit. I guess if I had've applied myself more (and by apply myself, I mean; not listen to the teachers and study wikipedia religiously) I could've learnt alot more. None the less, I passed my subjects. This was also the year of "many hair-dos"
In that year, I had:
Brown hair, with red fringe
Black hair, with red streaks
Black hair, with blue streaks
Black hair, with blond streaks
Black hair, with pink streaks
Black hair, with purple streaks
Black hair, with spiky blonde back
Blond hair, with black streaks and
Short blond hair, with black streaks.
At the end of the year, was my formal. I night I shan't forget, and of course; Graduation. A good year all up. Although I must admit, once school was over, that's when I started to miss it. Mainly drama lessons with Rose and Andrew. There was nothing funnier. Then once all was over, the greatest vacation ever! It was to The Gold Coast with (almost) my entire family. It was a grand 2 weeks, spent shopping and going to the Theme parks. I shall never forget it.

and now we come to
2008- Not a great year. There was my 18th, which was the highlight of the year, but it came 2 days into the year, so after it, was all but downhill. On Easter I took off work because I felt ill, no one believed I was. A trip to the Hospital then confirmed that I was sick. I had salmonella. I got pills, and was fine for a few weeks, then I was sick again. Another trip to the hospital, and I found out I had Ulcerative Colitis. (Now some might ask "Why tell us such personal info?" Simple, if I ever become famous, and have a wikipedia page, there needs to be sources, this blog will serve as that source.) I was in hospital for a week, alot of tests were done and finally I was released. Once I was released from hospital, things became better for 2 main reasons:
1. I was out of hospital, and now had pills to make me feel good.
2. I was moving.
This is the part of the story I have yet to tell. Since April of 2006, I had been living with my mother and her 'boyfriend'. At the start, things were good. He was acting nice to everyone (normal behaviour) but as time went on he showed his true colours. Their were 5 incidences when I lived their, that cops were called. You see, he would strangle me, beat me; at one point he even pushed my sister (2 years my junior) down, and made her cry, eventaully the police even advised me to take out a restraining order on me. Now for those of you wondering who this person was, just highlight the next bit of text, you may find you know him. 
Raymond Edge-Williams.
Once I had moved, things did get better. Alot better. I got a brand new phone, an iPhone
[Trivia: Prior to getting my iPhone, I had been against them. I heard nothing but bad things about them from everyone, but once my nokia died, I decided "Hell with it" and got one, and now I know first hand, that they are the best phone out there] After that nothing happened. Was very un-eventful, but actually looking back, I realize it was a very good year, but I welcome 2009.

I am actually hoping to get a new computer, with more ram, to start my own webcomic next year, so keep an eye out for that, hopefully it will be big.

Anywho, happy new year to all, hope next year will be good for you all.

Christopher D. Lane.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Some rules, everyone should know.

I work at coles, and some times the sheer stupidity of people, makes me mad. So here are some rules/things you didn't know; that you should when you go through a register at Coles, or even any register. Think of it as registertiquette (registertiquette (c) Christopher Lane 2008). So here they are, my Xmas/Hannukah gift to you all.

1. When you are waiting inline, don't get pissed at the person serving if they're going to slow. They may have been working a while before you came along. Although if it's early, and you see them just getting on, and they are still slow, they're just warming up. 

2. If you have your items in a trolley, you'd put them up on the counter, yeah? So there's no difference if you have a basket. That goes double for putting your items in a green bag before coming through and just expecting them unpacked. It get's annoying if you I have to unpack your groceries, then pack them again. Even more frustrating if you look at your watch and make an annoyed sound. Swear to Xenu, one day, I'm smacking someone in the face with a ham.

3. When the checkout operator asks you "Hi, how are you?" It is nice to answer, and not just stare at them blankly. I don't care how you are, hell if you carked it while I was serving you, I'd just page someone to take your fat ass away. Saying it is just a nicety, so return it and it will be over alot quicker.

4. Try to keep all your items of the same kind TOGETHER. I.e Cold items, fragile, cleaning supplys etc. There's nothing more annoying then putting through some Meat, then suddenly getting some Eggs, then Soap, then suddenly BAM meat again. There really should be some kind of rule that says Register operators can put your shit in the bag the order they're given them.

5i. If something is scanned wrong, don't make a big hissy fit about it. Calmly say "That was supposed to be (amount)". Most likely the price on the item was overlooked.

5ii. If something is on special for like '2 for $5' it doesn't come up at the discounted price on the screen. It will still have the original price next to it. Although it will be highlighted red, and the special is written underneath it. Don't say to me "OI, that was 3 for $6, you put it through the wrong price" because once it's pointed out to you "Oh no, see the BIG red words, it says it there; Can you read?" You'll seem like a dipshit.

6. When asked for a flybuys/everyday rewards card, or the like do not answer "No thank you" I wasn't asking if you WANTED one, I asked if you had one. If you do have one and don't want to use it, it's just as easy to say "Yeah, but don't worry about it". You won't seem like a dipshit with manners.

7. If you want credit or something with your purchase, please know what you want. Don't say to me "I want $20 credit" and then when asked "Which one?" just say "I don't know, the $20 one" If you don't know that simple question, I should be allowed to stab you.

8. If you're given the wrong change, just say it nicely. Yelling doesn't get your point across any better. Just makes you seem like a stingy prick who needs his 50c.

9. When they say "Have a nice day" how hard is it to say "You too"? 

Well that's all, please remember these next time, you may realise the checkout operator is alot happier, and it goes by quicker.

Oh and one more thing, tommorow; Xmas day; I'll be having a very special "A very Christopher Christmas" on my twitter. Over 50 updates throughout the day, to share my Xmas with you. I know you don't care, but it's the thought that counts.

See you all on another post.

Christopher D. Lane
P.H.D Bloggology.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The stuff fairy tales are made off.

Political Correctness.
It's all around us, and driving everyone mad.
Some time ago, some people said "You know what, bah bah black sheeps offends me, why is the sheep black" So then they went to some like, Secretary in-charge of Fairy tales and dipshits, and demanded it be changed.
Here's what I find stupid about this, now some sheep actually ARE black, so why is a rhyme about one offensive. I get there saying "Oh it could be misconstrued as meaning a 'black' person" but I think that's the most racist thing TO say about this.
Let's think about the poem;
"Bah bah black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir; 3 bags full.
One for the master
and one for the dame,
and one for the little boy who lives down the lane"
The sheep in this poem is giving wool away, so are they now saying "Why would a 'black' people would never give their stuff away"?
That's a bit racist politically correct people, judging 'black' people like that. Tsk on you.
Also, they changed it to rainbow sheep. Rainbow is often associated with homosexuals. So they must also be saying "Why would a 'black' people would never give their stuff away, it would more likely be a queer, they love to give away fashion and make everyone looks 'fabulous'"
Basically there's a rampant hypocrisy with political correctness; and don't even get me started with 3 blind mice.

Ado. CDOS.

A new beginning

Welcome all to my new blog.
I am Christopher Lane, an 18 (19 on Jan 2) male from the North Queensland town of Townsville. This is just another way I can post my anger around the world.
Now some of you, or more to the point, all of you, will at some point be offended by this blog. I don't care about Political Correctness. If somethings funny to me, I'll say it. Now saying that, I shan't be biased. I won't post a 3000 word blog about say "Judaism is a stupid religion" and not say anything about the stupidity of other religions. Everyone will be insulted fairly. See I am a nice person.
If you want to contact me, it's easy. Either at my Bebo, Myspaceemail, or my twitter.

My first blog will be pretty much as soon as I've written this one. So keep a watch out, and feel free to follow me.

Christopher D. Lane
P.H.D Bloggology.