Thursday, March 5, 2009

The many things that have annoyed me in the past month.

There have been alot of things that annoyed me in the past month. I planned to write it earlier today, but had stuff to do. Now I've forgotten a few of them (I'm sure they'll come back to me)

1. Eclipse Mint add.
Mainly the music, but also the entire add as a whole. I mean seriously "Eat an eclipse mint, then magically there will be an eclipse, and you can make out with strangers and no one will see you"

2. Disney stars
They're making children sluts. I think if Walt Disney were alive today, he would be so pissed off, and not just because there are still Jews (ZINGED YA WALT)

3. People in America
I read that Miley Cyrus has a 4 billion dollar class action lawsuit against her for a picture she took where she held her eyes slanted. Apparently some people (Asians, I guess) are offended by this. I don't think they're offended, I think they want money. It disgusts me how low people are; it also made me realise I could never be famous. I would offend so many people before I even got my first paycheck.

Some more later, I'm taking a nap.